Our annual membership dues are $25/year and are due by January 31st each year.
2025 Ravenwood Dues Statement
Make checks payable to: Ravenwood HOA
Mail checks to:
Ravenwood Homeowners Association
4319 S. National Ave., Box 237 (Do NOT put P.O. in front of Box 237)
Springfield, MO 65810-2607
Click on the Square icon below to pay electronically. The cost will be $26.06 which includes a small fee that Square charges the HOA for the transaction. If you are paying for more than one address, you will need to enter a separate transaction for each address.
Your annual dues are used by the HOA for the benefit of you and our neighborhood by:
- Maintaining or improving property values
- Communicating with local authorities
- Offering recourse to members seeking remedies with respect to the Covenants and Restrictions of the HOA for our neighborhood.
With your membership in the HOA you receive:
- Bi-monthly publication of the RavenWord Newsletter
- Publication of a neighborhood directory
- Organization and advertising of semi-annual neighborhood garage sales
- Annual Ice Cream Social and other social events
- Bi-Annual Paper Shredder & Electronic Recycling Day
- Trash discount with GFL Environmental (We must receive your dues payment no later than January 31st.)
Trash Discount with GFL Environmental
The Board has arranged pricing with GFL Environmental for a discounted rate for paid members of Ravenwood HOA.
GFL Contact:
Skyler Triplett
Click here for more information: Trash Discount Flyer
Ravenwood Recreation Club – Pool and Playground
The pool and playground equipment next to the pool are owned and operated by a private organization called the Ravenwood Recreation Club. It is a separate organization apart from the Ravenwood HOA and is not covered by your $25 HOA dues.
For questions or concerns about the pool, please contact:
Suzy Tramposh
Email: RavenwoodPool@gmail.com
Facebook: Ravenwood Pool